Promoting dialogue and openness at work

Promoting dialogue and openness at work

Our employees are the heart and soul of our business. We want to nurture a positive atmosphere and clear expectations for both the management and individual employees. We create conditions for employee appraisals where the cornerstones are openness, having the courage to share, and the ability to take in information. We want to create transparency in the dialogue with the employees and evaluate how well we’re doing by way of six-monthly appraisals.

Promoting personal development in the workplace

Promoting personal development in the workplace

Our employees are our most important resource. With us, there’s the opportunity to evolve and take on responsibility. We cherish differences and share our knowledge and experience by rotating roles and duties, thereby increasing the collective competence of the team. We are an attractive workplace that attracts the right employees and where the team creates growth.

Working for a sustainable value chain

Working for a sustainable value chain

We strive as much as we can for a sustainable value chain. We do this by steering our customers towards choosing more sustainable materials. We’re bringing in recycled polyester and reducing the threshold to switch from traditional polyester. We carefully select our suppliers and make sure that together we meet requirements and expectations with the support of our supplier assessment. We take our share of the responsibility in the chain.

Getting involved in the local community

Getting involved in the local community

We want to get involved in the local community, both for our own sake but also to be part of developing the communities and contexts in which we operate. We do this by sponsoring local sports associations and, as much as possible, choosing local entrepreneurs. We create jobs and help attract people to our area.

Creating awareness among customers and consumers

Creating awareness among customers and consumers

We strive to educate and raise awareness among our customers so that they’re well informed about their responsibilities and have the opportunity to make sustainable choices. We do this by providing information about the quality, manufacturing conditions and labelling of the products at all stages. Through nudging, step-by-step, we steer people towards the use of sustainable materials and a more sustainable future.

Preventing pollution

Preventing pollution

We want to contribute to a better world and take responsibility for the climate. We do this by working to reduce the impact of our production. We’re reviewing our energy consumption and establishing new sustainable habits among our employees, such as turning off lights and timing the use of machines more efficiently. In collaboration with others, we’re developing circular solutions where waste from our production can become a material resource for someone else.